RNO Staking rules

RNO Rewards provide incentives for long term holders, with zero supply inflation. RNO distributed as rewards are not new tokens minted. Instead, they come from unsold tokens and Earneo reserve tokens.

Lock period

Our staking system is designed to create an incentive for our long term supporters and believers in Earneo.

When you decide to stake your RNO, you can select between a 30/60/90/180/365/700 days lock period.

The more you stake, the more you get rewarded!

Unstake and Claim RNO Rewards

At the end of your lock period, you can unstake your RNO. Your initial RNO and your staking rewards will return to your wallet.

You can check the dashboard at any time to see your remaining lock period.

Early Unstake

Unstaking before the end of your lock period is not possible at the moment.

At the end of your lock period, you can unstake your RNO. Your initial RNO and your staking rewards will return to your wallet.

Last updated